Why I Became a Certified Imaging Informatics Professional
Luke Bideaux, President and CEO of Vega Imaging Informatics, shares his experience of becoming a Certified Imaging Informatics Professional (CIIP). The process and benefits of becoming a CIIP are illustrated in this publication from the ASRT Scanner. Read More…

Can Imaging Informatics Professionals Help with Legal Cases?
Advancements in medical imaging informatics technology are reshaping the way healthcare organizations practice medicine. Consequently, legal teams are engaging imaging informatics experts to assist with litigations involving the technology used to provide care. Read More…

What is Your Strategy for Encounter-based Imaging?
Encounter-based imaging is defined as medical imaging that is intentionally performed during a patient encounter without an associated imaging order. Images are generally acquired at the discretion of the provider. The images generated may be in DICOM or non-DICOM format. Read more…

The Value of the CIIP: Part 5 – Artificial Intelligence
A renewed level of excitement is sweeping the field of health imaging due to advancements in imaging-based artificial intelligence (AI). In 2018 alone, over $500 million in capital investments was provided to companies developing AI-enabled medical image analysis solutions, according to Signify Research. Read more…

The Value of the CIIP: Part 4 – Interoperability
In theory, interoperability in health imaging opens the door to a wide range of advantages for practices and patients. In part 4 of his series, Luke Bideaux explains how the specialized skill sets of a certified imaging informatics professional (CIIP) can help organizations achieve interoperability goals and stay connected in today’s digital healthcare environment. Read more…

The Value of the CIIP: Part 3 – Radiologist Support
The healthcare industry trend to consolidate enterprise IT support can result in unmet departmental needs and increased costs if subject matter experts aren’t available to help clinicians. In the third installment of his article series, Luke Bideaux shows how a CIIP’s skills in radiologist support can positively affect operational outcomes and help avoid costly system overhauls. Read more…

The Value of the CIIP: Part 2 – Workflow Optimization
In an AuntMinnie.com Imaging Informatics Insider Exclusive, Luke Bideaux shows how a CIIP’s skills in workflow optimization can yield significant cost savings and help alleviate radiologist burnout. Read more…

The Value of the CIIP: Part 1 – Data Integrity
If utilized correctly, certified imaging informatics professionals (CIIPs) can be tremendously valuable to imaging practices. In the first of a new series of articles, CIIP Luke Bideaux shows how a CIIP’s skills in ensuring data integrity can avoid major expenses and headaches for organizations. Read more…